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All you need to know about my
Reiki Healing and
Tarot Reading Services

What is a Reiki Healing?

Reiki is a Japanese Healing technique that is delivered by placing the hands on and around different areas of the body.​

Within each of us is a combination of stories; different experiences of the world that shape who we are. These range from moments of joy and pleasure to times of grief and trauma, but the most important thing to realise is that these different emotions exist inside us as energy. 

While a lot of us have developed ways of coping with our experiences from a mental and logical standpoint, energy healing looks deeper towards the layers of feelings that are buried inside of us, and most importantly the way we attach ourselves to them.


By channelling healing vibrations through the energy centres (the chakras) and the auric field (layers of the auric body), reiki is able to clear energies that are no longer serving you and support you in achieving energetic balance.​


For me, it is a way of managing my mental health, dealing with past traumas, and maintaining a healthy energetic wellbeing in this tough world that I often feel too soft for.

What is a Tarot Reading?

Tarot is a form of divination that can be used for guidance and opening communication with ourselves.


There are 78 cards in a tarot deck, each encompassing different meanings and interpretations when spread out during a reading, based both on the card itself and it's positioning.


They help to reveal the light and dark within our lives, and provide an opportunity for self-reflection and direction. In combination sessions, I use a tarot reading to begin a session because it allows us to breakdown your life and pressures into multiple aspects and emotions, and creates the space for conversation 

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